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The author is an attorney and C.P.A. Throughout his life, he has been questing and exploring common grounds for people and concluded that childhood education is the foundation for people, families, society, and the future of the world. He is very appreciative of the opportunities and education offered by society. In this book, he shares his principles of education as a giving back to society.
The author is an attorney and C.P.A. Throughout his life, he has been questing and exploring common grounds for people and concluded that childhood education is the foundation for people, families, society, and the future of the world. He is very appreciative of the opportunities and education offered by society. In this book, he shares his principles of education as a giving back to society.
宋武峰(Donald W. Sung)
Donald Sung是一名律師和註冊會計師,他一生都在尋找和探索人們的共同點,並總結出兒童教育是人、家庭、社會和世界未來的基礎。他非常感激社會提供的機會和教育。在這本書中,他分享了他作為回饋社會的教育原則。
About Donald Sung:
Donald Sung is an attorney and C.P.A. Throughout his life, he has been questing and exploring common grounds for people and concluded that childhood education is the foundation for people, families, society, and the future of the world. He is very appreciative of the opportunities and educations offered by society. In this book he shares his principles of education as a giving back to society.
About Donald Sung:
Donald Sung is an attorney and C.P.A. Throughout his life, he has been questing and exploring common grounds for people and concluded that childhood education is the foundation for people, families, society, and the future of the world. He is very appreciative of the opportunities and educations offered by society. In this book he shares his principles of education as a giving back to society.
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