BOOK☆WALKER 台灣漫讀 / 電子書平台

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BOOK☆WALKER 即將進行會員系統改版

BOOK☆WALKER 即將進行會員系統改版

BOOK☆WALKER 即將進行會員系統改版

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BOOKWALKER TAIWAN Co., Ltd. was found by KADOKAWA TAIWAN COPROATION and BOOKWALKER JAPAN, established on August 2015. Then capital increased by TONG LI PUBLISHING Co., Ltd, GAEA BOOKS, Co., Ltd and UNITED DISTRIBUTION Co., Ltd on October 2016. Our main business focus on Chinese eBook and launched complicated Chinese eBook platform “BOOKWALKER” on February 2016. With Japanese technical support, BOOKWALKER develops wonderful functional reader, and main target is providing reader comfortable digital reading circumstances.

We maintain the advantage of Japanese BOOKWALKER and combine local customers’ reading habit, then redesign functions and services of platform. Our categories are including magazine, literature, life style etc. Among the eBook Platform in Taiwan, we have most titles for manga and light novel. Customers can purchase single title or series, and can get extra gift like additional chapter, illustration or wallpaper. In nearly future, we will release title rental, subscription, and “all you can read” services.

ePub 3 is current main format for international eBook market. To promote distribution of eBook and provide better reading experience, we cooperate with specialist and publishers for Chinese ePub 3 standard. Meanwhile, we assist publishers to produce high quality ePub3 files and provide eBook distribution service as well. We try to enhance the communication between publishers and eBook platforms, hope can build win win situation for readers and publishers.

The most important element for book is contents.
eBook will not replace the paper but provide another convenient way for reading.
We will keep continuing efforts for providing better way to reader.
