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串珠腰帶/腰包 DIY
.32 Beautiful and Unique Beaded Belts / Waist Packs;
.49 Detailed Table Patterns and 120 Photos and Illustration;
.Original and stylish;
.32 Beautiful and Unique Beaded Belts / Waist Packs;
.49 Detailed Table Patterns and 120 Photos and Illustration;
.Original and stylish;
喜愛手工藝尤其是熱愛串珠。平常有空時經常創作美麗獨特的飾品,近年來一直在一間慈善單位附設的二手店負責壞掉手飾修復,賦予舊物新經濟價值。更早之前,有一段時間也曾經在住家附近活動中心開課成人串珠教學,同時經營串珠網站╱網路商店,銷售串珠作品及作法,隨即出版網站中最受歡迎商品的第一本《3D Beaded Stuff》串珠書。後來有些變動,荒廢多時,直到武漢肺炎肆虐,才重新愛上串珠。一路走來,一步一腳印,踏實感恩!
She loves beading and creating unique fashion accessories. For the last few years, she works at a secondhand store repairing and repurposing to make broken jewelry saleable. There was a website and online store created long ago when she first moved to Vancouver, BC, Canada. At the same time , she taught 3D beading at her neighborhood community center. To mark her early endeavor in the
She loves beading and creating unique fashion accessories. For the last few years, she works at a secondhand store repairing and repurposing to make broken jewelry saleable. There was a website and online store created long ago when she first moved to Vancouver, BC, Canada. At the same time , she taught 3D beading at her neighborhood community center. To mark her early endeavor in the

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