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畅游行 Travellution 第107期 - 2022年1月号(中英雙語版)
格陵兰 冰之王国
Greenland, the Ice Kingdom
世界第一大岛格陵兰是一处神奇的地方,英文名虽被称作“绿色土地”,然而当地几乎大部分时间完全被冰雪覆盖着。尤其冬日,格陵兰白茫茫一片,只剩下无边无际的冰川、险峭的峡湾和绚烂的北极光...... 寒冷、遗世孤立,它与我们所熟知的世界如此不同,于是吸引了勇敢、好奇的旅者们,在此时踏上这片纯白的冰之王国。
Most of Greenland, the world's largest island, is vastly covered by an ice sheet all year round, despite its name. Snow carpets the Greenland in full fluffy white during winter, except only the seemingly infinite glaciers, steep rugged fjords and gorgeous northern lights. It is an icy-cold, remote and unfamiliar territory that attracts adventurous and curious explorers to set foot in this king
Greenland, the Ice Kingdom
世界第一大岛格陵兰是一处神奇的地方,英文名虽被称作“绿色土地”,然而当地几乎大部分时间完全被冰雪覆盖着。尤其冬日,格陵兰白茫茫一片,只剩下无边无际的冰川、险峭的峡湾和绚烂的北极光...... 寒冷、遗世孤立,它与我们所熟知的世界如此不同,于是吸引了勇敢、好奇的旅者们,在此时踏上这片纯白的冰之王国。
Most of Greenland, the world's largest island, is vastly covered by an ice sheet all year round, despite its name. Snow carpets the Greenland in full fluffy white during winter, except only the seemingly infinite glaciers, steep rugged fjords and gorgeous northern lights. It is an icy-cold, remote and unfamiliar territory that attracts adventurous and curious explorers to set foot in this king
畅游行 Travellution 編輯部
The First Travel, Cuisine & Lifestyle Chinese Magazine in Singapore 新加坡第一本中文旅游、美食、生活杂志。除了景点,我们也提倡一种旅游态度——生活,就是最美好的旅程。通过《畅游行》,我们伴你体会人生。
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